"May the Emporor guide my round"
A blog of a number of Warhammer 40,000 related things.
History of the Bloodbane chapter
Alium Destrus is one of the Primarchs who was expunged from all Imperial records along with his legion. During the Horus heresy he and his loyal warriors fought heroically against their treacherous brethren. After the heresy Alium had his Tech-adepts and bio-magi work night and day trying to find a way to return the Emperor to his pre-heresy glory.
After many decades they found a way to do this, they discovered that a huge psycic outcry could cause the rejuvenation of the God-Emperor and even boost his phycic abilities such that he could maintain the Astronomican single handedly. Such a huge outcry would require billions of people to create, so Alium explained his plan to the Ecclesiarchy. But the recently appointed lords of Terra did not want the Emperor back, they wished to rule in his stead so they declared Alium and his chapter heretical.
The Bloodbane chapter found itself beset on all sides by zealous new second founding chapters, eager to prove themselves in the fires of battle. Unable to defeat such an outnumbering foe the Bloodbane fled to the group of stars known as the wings of Sanguinis. The chapter was duly expunged from imperial records and the wings of Sanguinis were classified as dangerous and inhabited by the hyper-violent Barghesi making them an ‘avoid at all costs’ area for starship captains.
Since then the Bloodbane chapter has carved out a small empire for themselves, but they still strive tirelessly towards restoring the Emperor as leader of mankind. After a few generations the high lords of Terra became ignorant of the Bloodbane's existence, only the space marines of the Iron Lords chapter who guard the Grendl stars, as they are now known, are aware of the Bloodbane. The Bloodbane today have their work cut out fending off hive fleet Kraken and controlling their own empire, but still they send companies out to Imperial words to support planetary govornors who are under attack, where ancient oath or decency demand it.